Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Theory of Life... (this has never failed me)

I created this theory of mine a long time ago. This theory has never failed me. Keep it, treasure it, embrace it:

1. Life is just a trial room, God's very own test.
2. This test is to prove if we are worthy to go into Heaven or not.
3. Everyone has a different test provided uniquely by God.
4. The questions in the tests are a blur. Each question can change according to your previous answer.
5. You can trust no one to give you the right answers. God will not give you the answers, He just provides you with a possibility. It's your choice if you want to take it or not.
6. Once God feels your test is over, well.... u die. (Tee hee >__<)
7. God will provide you with his evaluation.
8. Once you receive your evaluation, that's when your real life starts. Either life in Heaven or Hell.

You know this is true.
God bless,

Never not okay,
Taz a.k.a Tawa

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