Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Quote From "Sister Freaks"

"Everywhere Jesus went, ther was revolution. Everywhere I go, they serve tea." -Watchman Nee

I can relate. Sometimes it seems like everyone around me is nice and quiet and and sedate- like we're all having a cup of tea. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. We all love Jesus; I just wonder sometimes if we're accomplishing something great for His Kingdom.

If you're like me, you probably long to find those few who are different- the ones who are willing to take a strong stand for Jesus. It's not easy. I admire the bold women, the ones who stand up for something, the sisters strong enough to be considered "freaks" for the cause of Christ.
When you look at history, it's pretty clear that nobody was bolder than Jesus. He came down here to earth, even though He din't have to, and sacrificed His life for each one of us. In doing that, He set an example of boldness. The Lord was so different from everyone else that the world couldn't help but notice Him. Two thousand years later, He is still the central figure in al history. I'm drawn to Him and Hs sacifice and His example. The more I get to know Jesus, the more I want to be like Him.

But it's dangerous to live like the Lord. When He showedu, the world put Him to death. So we can't expect they're going to embrace us when we take a stand for God. In face, we can expect to suffer, since great faith makes people uncomfortable. And that leads me to ask you: what sort of a stand do you want to take? What do you want to be known for?

Have you ever struggled with the sense that you're not strong enough, that you haven't done enough, or have your heart set on the wrong things? I have. But no matter how much I fail, I know God is right there, ready to strengthen me and help me become someone who is willing to take a stand. That's why I love [stories about women who took a stand for God]. Each one is about a young woman who took a great stand for God. Some of them are famous historical figures like Mary and Joan of Arc. Others are comtemporary women you've probably never heard of. Each one has made an efort to change the world, even if it's in a small way. But every one held true to God, and they all inspire me to live a bigger, greater life.

If you use [Sister Freaks] in your devotional reading, you'll find [lots of stories] so you can explore what the Lord's leading is for your own life. As you read through [Sister Freaks], I pray you'll see the world through His eyes and look for ways you can change it through His power."

-Rebecca St. James

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