Sunday, August 16, 2009

Over You (Dedicated to L, K, and C... I love you sizta's 4E!!!)

They say that I'm over you
They say that I'm coming through
But only me
and only me knows the truth

They say that it's not worth it
They say that it's a waste of time
I know...

But how can I help it
You are so perfect
and I know who you are and
You know who I am
But it's not easy
To say that I'm over you

You talk a lot about me
I talk a lot more about you and I

You think that I'm just a friend
I think we're more than that
and I wish it's true

But how can I help it
You are so perfectand I know who you are and
You know who I am
But it's not easy
To say that I'm over you

I think it's time to know the truth
But I don't know if it's that easy
To say that I'm over you
Cuz I'm so not over you

But how can I help it
You are so perfect
and I know who you are and
You know who I am
But it's not easy
To say...
To you...
I can't help but say

That you are so perfect
You are everything
I wish to be yours
and I dream to be next to you
Cuz I'm so not over you
I'm so not over you
It's time
To say

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