Monday, August 17, 2009

My Bad Habit (and how to cure it)

So, today I was at the mall, going grocery shopping, when something caught my eye- a bag of chocolate nuggets! I began to approach it. Once it was within my reach, I grabbed it and started squishing the nuggets with my fingers... that is, until my mum caught me!

The habit of squishing is in my blood. Before me, my mum had that habit too. Of course, though, my mum still scolded me for destroying something that is not my property. Well, let me just tell you- I've squished way worse stuff! For example...
1. A whole bag of marshmallows
2. Oreos
3. A Chocolate Bar (this was my worst! you don't wanna know...)
4. My pillows (YOWZA!)
5. Do I need to list more?

Anyways, I got scolded for destroying property that is not mine. Because of that, my mum threatened to find a way for me to let go of my squishing addiction...

- 5 hours later...

Sister: Mum, can I please buy breadou?
Mum: What's that?
Me: Oooohh! It's bread!
Sister: Yes, just like the one V* gave to grandma!
Me: Can I please buy one too?
Mum: How much does it cost?
Sister: About Rp.120
Me: On the bright side, I can finally squish food that is not food! (HIGH FIVE!!!!!)
Mum: (Glares at me...)
Me: Hey, at least I'm not squishing food :D

So yes, I want to thank you Breadou for curing my addiction. I highly reccommend Breadou to those others who have squishing addictions. Thank you very much :)

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