Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Longest Shower Ever

Sunday, August 30, 2009 | 00.18am : Just finished taking a shower.

My normal shower procedure:
1. Use cleanser
2. Lather self with water
3. Use soap (and shampoo)
4. Rinse self
5. Brush teeth
6. Use facial wash
7. Apply toner
8. Apply mosturiser

Suday, August 30, 2009 Procedure:
1. Use cleanser on face.
2. Repeat step 1 five times.
3. Use cleanser on eye.
4. Repeat step 3 five times.
5. Lather self with water.
6. Use shampoo.
7. Repeat step 6 four times.
8. Use soap.
9. Repeat step 6 once.
10. Brush teeth
11. Use facial wash.
12. Apply toner.
13. Apply mosturiser.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Talk about outta whack!!!!!!!

Okay, so I know a lot of you SPH-ers are "overly proud" of your "imensely amazing" [feel the sarcasm!] school, but this article I found on the web was... just... shocking.
I'll let the article speak for itself:
"Sph is filled with many various groups such as the Spinners which are a group of people that spins pen in school. There are also a wide range of groups such as dance clubs and reading clubs that students may attend during lunch breaks or after school hours"

Say whhhaaaaaattttttttt?????!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

I Never Knew My Teacher Was GOKIL Until...

I overheard:
Student: Teacherr, I'm hungry!!!!!
Teacher: Then I'm going to eat you up!

(Talk about EWW?! Read on...)

I witnessed:
Student: The girls in that other school wears skin-tight outfits.
Teacher: OK!! I'll move there then!
Student: But the shorts in SPH are the shortest.
Teacher: OK!! I'll stay here then!

(Uhh... okay, that was WEIRD! Want more? Read on...)

I expirienced:
Student 1: I'm goint to post this picture of you on Facebook.
Teacher: Yayy!!! :]]
Student 1: Why yay?
Student 2: Teacher is different. He enjoys his pictures being posted.
Me: Then she's NOT going to post it on Facebook?
Teacher: {Sad face} Aww... :'( Why not?

(FULL ON FREAKY! Could there be worse? Yes, read on...)

I was a part of:
Teacher: Me cweepy....
Me: Aww :) baby language?
Teacher: I AM A BABY!

(WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!)

*Note: The quotes aren't exact. This is to keep some content private.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rant of Facebook #1

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Currently (supposed to be) Doing: Computer Technology Homework


Monday, August 17, 2009

Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence.

Has this ever happened to you?
I have no Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence.
Well, look no further! Thanks to the Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence, you will never not ever say that you do not have a Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence.
The possibilities are endless with Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence!
Squish it with your fingers!
Squish it with your hands!
Squish it with your feet!
Squish it with your mouth! (Don't do this.)
Here are some samples of Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for yur fun indulgence being used:
1. Girl at breakfast table NOT eating Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence.
2. Guy at coffee shop NOT eating Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence.
3. Girl at cafeteria NOT eating Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence.
4. Guy during tea time NOT eating Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence.
That's right!
Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence is NOT edible!
Then why buy it?
Because it's Breadou Trademark Donut from Breadou freshly baked by Chef Breadou for your fun indulgence!
It's too good to eat!
It's too pretty to look at!
It's too sacred to open!

TEE HEE >__<


My Bad Habit (and how to cure it)

So, today I was at the mall, going grocery shopping, when something caught my eye- a bag of chocolate nuggets! I began to approach it. Once it was within my reach, I grabbed it and started squishing the nuggets with my fingers... that is, until my mum caught me!

The habit of squishing is in my blood. Before me, my mum had that habit too. Of course, though, my mum still scolded me for destroying something that is not my property. Well, let me just tell you- I've squished way worse stuff! For example...
1. A whole bag of marshmallows
2. Oreos
3. A Chocolate Bar (this was my worst! you don't wanna know...)
4. My pillows (YOWZA!)
5. Do I need to list more?

Anyways, I got scolded for destroying property that is not mine. Because of that, my mum threatened to find a way for me to let go of my squishing addiction...

- 5 hours later...

Sister: Mum, can I please buy breadou?
Mum: What's that?
Me: Oooohh! It's bread!
Sister: Yes, just like the one V* gave to grandma!
Me: Can I please buy one too?
Mum: How much does it cost?
Sister: About Rp.120
Me: On the bright side, I can finally squish food that is not food! (HIGH FIVE!!!!!)
Mum: (Glares at me...)
Me: Hey, at least I'm not squishing food :D

So yes, I want to thank you Breadou for curing my addiction. I highly reccommend Breadou to those others who have squishing addictions. Thank you very much :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009


What is fearless? I've been asked that too many times now.

FEARLESS is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid.
FEARLESS is having fears.
FEARLESS is having doubts. Lots of them.
FEARLESS is living in spite of those things that scar you to death.
FEARLESS is falling madly in love again, even though you have been hurt before.
FEARLESS is walking into your freshmen year of high school at fifteen.
FEARLESS is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again... even though every time you've tried before, you've lost.
It's FEARLESS to have faith that someday things will change.
FEARLESS is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can't breathe without them.
It's FEARLESS to fall for your best friend, even though he's in love with someone else. And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they'll never stop doing,
it's FEARLESS to stop believing them.
It's FEARLESS to say "you're NOT sorry", and walk away.
Loving someone despite what people think is FEARLESS.
Allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is FEARLESS.
Letting go is FEARLESS.
Then, moving on and being alright... That's FEARLESS too.
But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and prince charmings and happily ever after.

-Taylor Swift, Fearless.

Over You (Dedicated to L, K, and C... I love you sizta's 4E!!!)

They say that I'm over you
They say that I'm coming through
But only me
and only me knows the truth

They say that it's not worth it
They say that it's a waste of time
I know...

But how can I help it
You are so perfect
and I know who you are and
You know who I am
But it's not easy
To say that I'm over you

You talk a lot about me
I talk a lot more about you and I

You think that I'm just a friend
I think we're more than that
and I wish it's true

But how can I help it
You are so perfectand I know who you are and
You know who I am
But it's not easy
To say that I'm over you

I think it's time to know the truth
But I don't know if it's that easy
To say that I'm over you
Cuz I'm so not over you

But how can I help it
You are so perfect
and I know who you are and
You know who I am
But it's not easy
To say...
To you...
I can't help but say

That you are so perfect
You are everything
I wish to be yours
and I dream to be next to you
Cuz I'm so not over you
I'm so not over you
It's time
To say

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Never not cool? OFC!!!

"Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you."
"Pictures hold a thousand words."
"Love life and life will love you back. Hate life and life will hate you back."
Never not okay,

A Quote From "Sister Freaks"

"Everywhere Jesus went, ther was revolution. Everywhere I go, they serve tea." -Watchman Nee

I can relate. Sometimes it seems like everyone around me is nice and quiet and and sedate- like we're all having a cup of tea. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. We all love Jesus; I just wonder sometimes if we're accomplishing something great for His Kingdom.

If you're like me, you probably long to find those few who are different- the ones who are willing to take a strong stand for Jesus. It's not easy. I admire the bold women, the ones who stand up for something, the sisters strong enough to be considered "freaks" for the cause of Christ.
When you look at history, it's pretty clear that nobody was bolder than Jesus. He came down here to earth, even though He din't have to, and sacrificed His life for each one of us. In doing that, He set an example of boldness. The Lord was so different from everyone else that the world couldn't help but notice Him. Two thousand years later, He is still the central figure in al history. I'm drawn to Him and Hs sacifice and His example. The more I get to know Jesus, the more I want to be like Him.

But it's dangerous to live like the Lord. When He showedu, the world put Him to death. So we can't expect they're going to embrace us when we take a stand for God. In face, we can expect to suffer, since great faith makes people uncomfortable. And that leads me to ask you: what sort of a stand do you want to take? What do you want to be known for?

Have you ever struggled with the sense that you're not strong enough, that you haven't done enough, or have your heart set on the wrong things? I have. But no matter how much I fail, I know God is right there, ready to strengthen me and help me become someone who is willing to take a stand. That's why I love [stories about women who took a stand for God]. Each one is about a young woman who took a great stand for God. Some of them are famous historical figures like Mary and Joan of Arc. Others are comtemporary women you've probably never heard of. Each one has made an efort to change the world, even if it's in a small way. But every one held true to God, and they all inspire me to live a bigger, greater life.

If you use [Sister Freaks] in your devotional reading, you'll find [lots of stories] so you can explore what the Lord's leading is for your own life. As you read through [Sister Freaks], I pray you'll see the world through His eyes and look for ways you can change it through His power."

-Rebecca St. James

My Theory of Life... (this has never failed me)

I created this theory of mine a long time ago. This theory has never failed me. Keep it, treasure it, embrace it:

1. Life is just a trial room, God's very own test.
2. This test is to prove if we are worthy to go into Heaven or not.
3. Everyone has a different test provided uniquely by God.
4. The questions in the tests are a blur. Each question can change according to your previous answer.
5. You can trust no one to give you the right answers. God will not give you the answers, He just provides you with a possibility. It's your choice if you want to take it or not.
6. Once God feels your test is over, well.... u die. (Tee hee >__<)
7. God will provide you with his evaluation.
8. Once you receive your evaluation, that's when your real life starts. Either life in Heaven or Hell.

You know this is true.
God bless,

Never not okay,
Taz a.k.a Tawa

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Never not okay is not okay....

Life is just a bunch of grapes. Retarded quote, isn't it? I don't even know what it means. It is true, though, that life is just a bunch of grapes. You grow it, you develop it, you eat it... then it's gone.

"thinking back to all the times when it was easier... why is it so hard now? i know i'm doing things you can never do. i know you envy this. well, you think it's so easy? let me tell you: it's not. it never was." -sum dudette i dun feel like quoting...

That's my current facebook status.

That dudette i don't feel like quoting is me.

Why are you making it so hard? Everything WILL work out, all YOU have to do is TRY. I've tried my best to do everything, but you? YOU? YOU never try! You never even knew the meaning of all this. What is the point of this? This is just a bunch of childishness...

Haven't you had enough of this? I don't even see where this is going anymore!

1. Not talking.

2. Not seeing each other.

3. No happy Tara

4. Never so okay

FOUR things.

Did you really think everything made sense?


FOURth locker...


It's all just a coincidence...

... or is it?

I don't know. You answer. You know who you are.

Remember the number 8,
