Friday, February 19, 2010

... and more fails...

Today I visited a friend in hospital. She's been in and out for a while, and whilst I was there her nurse came in and informed us that they had no idea what was wrong with her. I tried to lighten the situation and joked "Is it lupus?" The nurse looked at me with wide eyes, ran off, and returned with a doctor who promptly booked her for a blood test. Turns out it was lupus...MLIN

Today I realized that you bake cookies and you cook bacon. MLIA

Today, I had to write a paragraph on motivation. I couldn't bring myself to do it. MLIA

I'm the maid of honor at two upcoming weddings. I'm a guy. MLIA

Today in my Western Civ class, We were talking about the Ancient Greek's approximation for Pi, and the teacher asked if anyone knew it past 3.14. Sitting in the back of the classroom, I rattled off "3.14159265359" and everyone turned around and stared a moment, MLIN.

Today I told the second grade class I teach that I was thinking of a number between 1 and three billion. One guessed it. MLIA

Today, my friend told me to summon my dog for a hug. I told her I didn't have any soul shards. Yes, I unconsciously made a World of Warcraft reference. MLIN.

Today I found out that there are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are Canadians in Canada. MLIA

Today, I saw twin toddler boys wear matching shirts that said, "I'm one of a kind." MLIA.

Today, I pushed a door that said pull. It opened. MLIA

(Sources: and

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