Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why You're Beautiful

Beauty is a misconception.
Most people think beauty is all bout your appearance, how you look.
It's all on the outside.
But that's not at all true.
We get so caught up in the commotion; the stereotype.
The more people admire and compliment you, the more you are beautiful, right?

Beauty is a gift, and each person has been given the same gift in each a different way according to what suits them the best, all to their ability.
It's not at all about the brand of clothes you wear, designer bags, the best make up...
It's about the best heart.
The only thing that matters is what is inside.
The modern world defines beauty from the outside, when it trully is from the inside.

Since beauty is a gift, it cannot be made.
Beauty cannot be made using designer jeans and branded bags.
Beauty is a gift given to us.
And what is given to us is our hearts.
That's where we can find true beauty.

Next time you think of something beautiful, think about yourself.
Tell yourself this:
"I'm not beautiful like you. I'm beautiful like me, just the way I am."

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