Friday, February 19, 2010

Another Cliche Love Story

This is a story of a young girl, about age thirteen.
Let's just say it's another cliche love story.

As a teenager, love was the only thing she knew. Day and night, that was all she thought about. She ran great distances just to satisfy her needs. But nothing was ever enough for her.
One day, she met Tyler. Tyler was everything she wanted. He was amazing. No, he was more than amazing: he was perfect. At least, she thought he was.
Tyler seemed to be the boy of every girl's dream. What could be more perfect than an athletic, cute, smart, parent-charmer? To a teenager, nothing is.
Day and night she spent thinking about Tyler. Tyler doesn't know she exists. She felt invisible. As any other teenage girl would do, she tried capturing his attention.
Short skirts, high heels, tank tops.... the typical teenage look...
but Tyler still didn't notice her.
Months pass, and she was getting pretty sick of all this try, try again stuff, and so she gave up. She knew she would never capture Tyler's attention. I mean, who want's to date a nerdy no-lifer?
Days passed and she was getting pretty tired. She tried to forget about him, but she couldn't.
One day, she saw an advertisement on her school's notice board about nationwide math competition. She knew math is her best subject and so she considered joining, but something hindered her from doing so. She had Tyler on her mind. If I join this competition, Tyler will never like me! What perfect guy will ever fall for a girl in a math competition? she thought to herself. After moments of thinking, she shook Tyler out of her head and enrolled in the competition.
At the day of the competition, she wore her best dress and did her hair nicely. It was all part of the presentation. When she arrived at the arena, she was shocked to see that the whole football team was there, including Tyler. She wondered why the football team would ever attend such a nerdy event, but as long as there's Tyler, she was willing to risk anything.
The math competition went by smoothly, and at the end, the winners were announced.
She had won first place.
As she stood at the podium, ready to give her acceptance speech, she took a glance at Tyler. He was smiling at her. SMILING. Yes.
Her heart raced as it went boom boom boom.
Finally, the end of the competition came. She finished her speech, went off the stage, and saw Tyler waiting for her.
He told her his inner most feelings for her.
He said that she is the only girl he knew who is brave enough to not be fake, to be herself. That is a quality that he has never seen in any other girl, and he found favor in her because of that.
Fifteen years later, at age 28, they walked down the aisle in their wedding.
How did they reach that far?
It's simple.
She never lied about being herself. She isn't fake. She embraces herself.
That's a quality Tyler found in her,
and look where it led them.

You might be wondering, who is this "she"? Well, she is you. Yes, you. All the girls out there. We sometimes get so caught up in being fake that we don't realize we over do it.
Love is all about being true, and how many of us are like that?
I bet you can count the numbers with your hands.

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