Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why You're Beautiful

Beauty is a misconception.
Most people think beauty is all bout your appearance, how you look.
It's all on the outside.
But that's not at all true.
We get so caught up in the commotion; the stereotype.
The more people admire and compliment you, the more you are beautiful, right?

Beauty is a gift, and each person has been given the same gift in each a different way according to what suits them the best, all to their ability.
It's not at all about the brand of clothes you wear, designer bags, the best make up...
It's about the best heart.
The only thing that matters is what is inside.
The modern world defines beauty from the outside, when it trully is from the inside.

Since beauty is a gift, it cannot be made.
Beauty cannot be made using designer jeans and branded bags.
Beauty is a gift given to us.
And what is given to us is our hearts.
That's where we can find true beauty.

Next time you think of something beautiful, think about yourself.
Tell yourself this:
"I'm not beautiful like you. I'm beautiful like me, just the way I am."

Friday, February 19, 2010

... and more fails...

Today I visited a friend in hospital. She's been in and out for a while, and whilst I was there her nurse came in and informed us that they had no idea what was wrong with her. I tried to lighten the situation and joked "Is it lupus?" The nurse looked at me with wide eyes, ran off, and returned with a doctor who promptly booked her for a blood test. Turns out it was lupus...MLIN

Today I realized that you bake cookies and you cook bacon. MLIA

Today, I had to write a paragraph on motivation. I couldn't bring myself to do it. MLIA

I'm the maid of honor at two upcoming weddings. I'm a guy. MLIA

Today in my Western Civ class, We were talking about the Ancient Greek's approximation for Pi, and the teacher asked if anyone knew it past 3.14. Sitting in the back of the classroom, I rattled off "3.14159265359" and everyone turned around and stared a moment, MLIN.

Today I told the second grade class I teach that I was thinking of a number between 1 and three billion. One guessed it. MLIA

Today, my friend told me to summon my dog for a hug. I told her I didn't have any soul shards. Yes, I unconsciously made a World of Warcraft reference. MLIN.

Today I found out that there are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are Canadians in Canada. MLIA

Today, I saw twin toddler boys wear matching shirts that said, "I'm one of a kind." MLIA.

Today, I pushed a door that said pull. It opened. MLIA

(Sources: and


... and they say kids these days are bad... know we know why :)

Glad to know where our knowledge comes from :)

Yeah, macho. VERY macho. PEACE ;P

Okay. But first, can you tell me how to dive into the water without landing in water? Thanks :)

Nice legs :)

Fails, Fails, & More Fails!

Heyyo bloggies!
Not long ago, I was reading one of my friend's blogs when I saw a blogpost dedicated to THIS blog!
So, to say thank you, I would like to dedicate this blog to him (:

"Fails, Fails, & More Fails!"
(re-blogged from


Epic Fail
Erm....Yeah, No Comment
ROFL! and always will be...
You mean a 'D'?
Ten Bucks says she's blonde
They say that the longer people are married, the more they look alike...
So do you just can it all the way through?

Visit or follow @Marboi on Twitter!

I Thought

You thought you know what love is until someone breaks your heart.
Then you really hope you learned and not make the same mistake again.
I am just wondering, what about the people who broke your heart?
Will they learn something or will they break more hearts?

Alternate Ending

... Finally, the end of the competition came. She finished her speech, went off the stage, and saw Tyler waiting for her.
He told her his inner most feelings for her.
He said that she is the only girl he knew who is brave enough to not be fake, to be herself. That is a quality that he has never seen in any other girl, and he found favor in her because of that.
Fifteen months have passed, and they are as happy as ever together, but one day changed everything.
It was 2am and she was still wide awake. It was the day after Valentine's day. She was worried sick. Tyler didn't contact her at all yesterday. She sat in her room, all alone, in tears, with tissues and chocolates surrounding her. Sadly, none of the chocolates was from Tyler. She knew that this isn't like Tyler. Never had she had a single day gone by without hearing Tyler's sweet, soft, and gentle voice. Until yesterday, that is.
She kept on looking at her phone, every single minute, just to check if there was anything from Tyler.
One minute passed. Nothing. One hour passed. Still nothing. Suddenly, her phone buzzed. A text message from Tyler! Excitedly, she opened it. This is what it said:

Hey baby, yesterday was awesome. You were amazing. We should do it again sometime. Love you always Beth, stay safe tonight ;)

Her jaw dropped. Two things made her jaw drop. First of all, she spent the whole day yesterday dreading a Valentine's day without him, yet now he's saying that she was amazing yesterday. Next, her name isn't Beth.
Questions popped up in her mind. She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't. She wanted to reply, but she didn't know how to. She started to dial his number, but hesitated.
She didn't know what to say.
Tyler has never been the cheater.
The guy whom she thought was perfect... is actually not.
All those "I love you"s Tyler said was never true. She felt stupid believing in him.
Tears swelled up in her eyes. She belted out her cry. She knew she had to break up with him. Her mind is telling her to do so, but her heart just doesn't want this to end like this.
She slowly dialed his number, pressing button by button.
Then, she pressed the little green button.
The button that changed everything.
said Tyler as she was holding back her tears.
She responded, then pressed the little red button that confirmed everything.

Compare this ending with the previous one. We all want the first ending to happen to us- we all want Mr. Right, our Prince Charming- but that's just not reality.
This ending is reality.
Sometimes, we think we know the person we love, when we actually don't.
She thought Tyler was the perfect guy. She never expected him to cheat on her whatsoever.
But he did.
And so she had to wake up and face reality.

Another Cliche Love Story

This is a story of a young girl, about age thirteen.
Let's just say it's another cliche love story.

As a teenager, love was the only thing she knew. Day and night, that was all she thought about. She ran great distances just to satisfy her needs. But nothing was ever enough for her.
One day, she met Tyler. Tyler was everything she wanted. He was amazing. No, he was more than amazing: he was perfect. At least, she thought he was.
Tyler seemed to be the boy of every girl's dream. What could be more perfect than an athletic, cute, smart, parent-charmer? To a teenager, nothing is.
Day and night she spent thinking about Tyler. Tyler doesn't know she exists. She felt invisible. As any other teenage girl would do, she tried capturing his attention.
Short skirts, high heels, tank tops.... the typical teenage look...
but Tyler still didn't notice her.
Months pass, and she was getting pretty sick of all this try, try again stuff, and so she gave up. She knew she would never capture Tyler's attention. I mean, who want's to date a nerdy no-lifer?
Days passed and she was getting pretty tired. She tried to forget about him, but she couldn't.
One day, she saw an advertisement on her school's notice board about nationwide math competition. She knew math is her best subject and so she considered joining, but something hindered her from doing so. She had Tyler on her mind. If I join this competition, Tyler will never like me! What perfect guy will ever fall for a girl in a math competition? she thought to herself. After moments of thinking, she shook Tyler out of her head and enrolled in the competition.
At the day of the competition, she wore her best dress and did her hair nicely. It was all part of the presentation. When she arrived at the arena, she was shocked to see that the whole football team was there, including Tyler. She wondered why the football team would ever attend such a nerdy event, but as long as there's Tyler, she was willing to risk anything.
The math competition went by smoothly, and at the end, the winners were announced.
She had won first place.
As she stood at the podium, ready to give her acceptance speech, she took a glance at Tyler. He was smiling at her. SMILING. Yes.
Her heart raced as it went boom boom boom.
Finally, the end of the competition came. She finished her speech, went off the stage, and saw Tyler waiting for her.
He told her his inner most feelings for her.
He said that she is the only girl he knew who is brave enough to not be fake, to be herself. That is a quality that he has never seen in any other girl, and he found favor in her because of that.
Fifteen years later, at age 28, they walked down the aisle in their wedding.
How did they reach that far?
It's simple.
She never lied about being herself. She isn't fake. She embraces herself.
That's a quality Tyler found in her,
and look where it led them.

You might be wondering, who is this "she"? Well, she is you. Yes, you. All the girls out there. We sometimes get so caught up in being fake that we don't realize we over do it.
Love is all about being true, and how many of us are like that?
I bet you can count the numbers with your hands.

Monday, February 15, 2010

She Is

She had an eye for beautiful things; she collected different jewelry, pictures, and fabrics to decorate her room with. She went everywhere… to yard sales, antique shops, and flea markets to find these pretty little ornaments… but there was one place, that although others did not, she failed to find beauty. Within herself

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


If I walk would you run?
If I stop would you come?
If I say you're the one would you believe me?

While you're running away to chase your dream,
It's time for us to make a move
'cause we're asking one another to change

If I asked you to stay would you show me the way?
If I sing you a song would you sing along?
Or wait 'till I'm gone?

While you're running away to chase your dream,
It's time for us to face the truth
'cause we're coming to each other to change

If I give you my heart would you just play the part?
Or tell me it's the start of something beautiful...

Inspired from Asher Book's song, Try.