Friday, January 22, 2010

Good or Bad?

Our world is just a little speck in a very big universe.
Face it: We live in a small world.

We are constantly surrounded with people, both good and bad. Not everyone can be trusted. As an individual human being, I am constantly put up with this judgement.

Good or bad?

I've met both. I've met those goody-two-shoes who's just pleasing. I've met those who aren't as pleasing. Yet, I've also met those who I thought were good, yet ended up being different. It's all in the hands of yourself.

Good or bad?

You have to make the judgement. It just ain't right when someone who you thought were good ended up being, well, bad. It's just not right. It's just not fair. But hey, it's life. You'll meet all different people.

Good or bad?

You make the decision, but remember: you don't have to apologize for who you are. You are you; you are special. It's their loss. Be bold, be proud, be brave.

Be Good and Bad.

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