Friday, January 22, 2010

10 Funfacts for the year '10!

Cases are meant to be solved, but mysteries are made to remain silent.

Everyone is a mystery. You are a mystery. I am a mystery.

Mysteries are often solved with bits and traces of clues, leading up to the resolution.

No human being will be able to solve me, but here are 10 fun facts (or clues!) that might solve a bit of me :)

1. Everyone procrastinates. That's right, but what's so special about this? I bet none of you procrastinates the way I do. Most of you might procrastinate by facebooking, blogging, tweeting, or tumblr-ing, but I bet none of you stare at the computer screen blankly, thinking about basically nothing significant, while spinning in a chair. Yup, I can keep this up to as long as 30 minutes without even realizing it. Call me weird, but it’s sadly it's true.

2. Fears and phobias can really take over your life! Almost everyone takes their phobias seriously, but I take mine to the next level. Don’t believe me? I’ve used an umbrella inside the house because I was scared. Not of thunder, lightning, rain, or sunshine, but I was scared of geckos falling on me. Talk about batrachophobia!

3. We all have habists. I know this is really common, but nobody really knows this about me. Before reading, vow to shushh! :P Okayy... Here it goes: I sing in the shower. No comment. :) I bet you're all wondering about this!

4. Birthdays are special. Everyone has something special that they are proud of about their birthday, and so do I. I am born exactly in the middle of the year. I really am proud since I'm the only one in my family who's not "makan umur" :)

5. Everyone should have their very own talents and hobbies. I Rubik's cube. A lot. I currently have 16, and I can solve all but two. Currently, I can solve the 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, 5x5x5, Rubik's 360, 3x3x5, Rubik's 2.0/ Mirror Cube, Pyramid, and possibly moreee :)

6. Fact number six will be completely useless. But knowledge is never really useless, now is it? I got my blackberry on Saturday, May 10, 2009.

7. I've posted this on a blogpost before, but I'm going to post it again anyways. My worst habit: Going to supermarkets and pinching, squishing, and crushing everything within sight or reach. Next time you go to Hypermart, Food Mart, Food Hall, or Ranch Market and you see a disorted food package, remember me and my bad habit :)

8. I am clumsy. REALLY clumsy. To make a long story short, you can basically come up to me at the end of everyday and ask me what I have done, and I can easily tell you one thing I've injured that day. Talk about being clumsy! :O

9. I read my first novel ever in the 2nd grade. It was Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus. I bought it on a Sunday in Times Bookstore when it was still open in PI. Weird how I remember this, eh? (*NOTE: I have a freakishly good short-term memory! Ask me anything that has recently happened, or any names and faces and I can almost always answer 'em!)

10. This post was inspired by @Marboi, author of The Marblog which can be viewed at I credit him for this :))

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