Sunday, January 31, 2010

We Were Born to Love; To Live

When those eyes, that seemed to fit so perfectly upon your face
Opened in my direction that day
I felt for the briefest time,
A feeling that I'd forgotten,
The feeling of our two worlds being entwined,
And that maybe, just for a moment,
You remembered who I was,
Not who I've become.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Proof that Love= Math

tells us three of the saddest stories.

lines who had one chance to meet & then parted forever...

lines who were never meant to meet.

lines who can get closer but will never be together.

"Isn't it ironic that we ignore those who adore us, adore those who ignore us, hurt those who love us, and love those who hurt us?"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I Love Love

"Someties someone comes into your life that changes everything.
Raises the standards, make you laugh, and makes you feel like you.
There's something about him that you can't put into words
and even though you're not with him,
you don't want to let him go."

Friday, January 22, 2010

10 Funfacts for the year '10!

Cases are meant to be solved, but mysteries are made to remain silent.

Everyone is a mystery. You are a mystery. I am a mystery.

Mysteries are often solved with bits and traces of clues, leading up to the resolution.

No human being will be able to solve me, but here are 10 fun facts (or clues!) that might solve a bit of me :)

1. Everyone procrastinates. That's right, but what's so special about this? I bet none of you procrastinates the way I do. Most of you might procrastinate by facebooking, blogging, tweeting, or tumblr-ing, but I bet none of you stare at the computer screen blankly, thinking about basically nothing significant, while spinning in a chair. Yup, I can keep this up to as long as 30 minutes without even realizing it. Call me weird, but it’s sadly it's true.

2. Fears and phobias can really take over your life! Almost everyone takes their phobias seriously, but I take mine to the next level. Don’t believe me? I’ve used an umbrella inside the house because I was scared. Not of thunder, lightning, rain, or sunshine, but I was scared of geckos falling on me. Talk about batrachophobia!

3. We all have habists. I know this is really common, but nobody really knows this about me. Before reading, vow to shushh! :P Okayy... Here it goes: I sing in the shower. No comment. :) I bet you're all wondering about this!

4. Birthdays are special. Everyone has something special that they are proud of about their birthday, and so do I. I am born exactly in the middle of the year. I really am proud since I'm the only one in my family who's not "makan umur" :)

5. Everyone should have their very own talents and hobbies. I Rubik's cube. A lot. I currently have 16, and I can solve all but two. Currently, I can solve the 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, 5x5x5, Rubik's 360, 3x3x5, Rubik's 2.0/ Mirror Cube, Pyramid, and possibly moreee :)

6. Fact number six will be completely useless. But knowledge is never really useless, now is it? I got my blackberry on Saturday, May 10, 2009.

7. I've posted this on a blogpost before, but I'm going to post it again anyways. My worst habit: Going to supermarkets and pinching, squishing, and crushing everything within sight or reach. Next time you go to Hypermart, Food Mart, Food Hall, or Ranch Market and you see a disorted food package, remember me and my bad habit :)

8. I am clumsy. REALLY clumsy. To make a long story short, you can basically come up to me at the end of everyday and ask me what I have done, and I can easily tell you one thing I've injured that day. Talk about being clumsy! :O

9. I read my first novel ever in the 2nd grade. It was Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus. I bought it on a Sunday in Times Bookstore when it was still open in PI. Weird how I remember this, eh? (*NOTE: I have a freakishly good short-term memory! Ask me anything that has recently happened, or any names and faces and I can almost always answer 'em!)

10. This post was inspired by @Marboi, author of The Marblog which can be viewed at I credit him for this :))

Good or Bad?

Our world is just a little speck in a very big universe.
Face it: We live in a small world.

We are constantly surrounded with people, both good and bad. Not everyone can be trusted. As an individual human being, I am constantly put up with this judgement.

Good or bad?

I've met both. I've met those goody-two-shoes who's just pleasing. I've met those who aren't as pleasing. Yet, I've also met those who I thought were good, yet ended up being different. It's all in the hands of yourself.

Good or bad?

You have to make the judgement. It just ain't right when someone who you thought were good ended up being, well, bad. It's just not right. It's just not fair. But hey, it's life. You'll meet all different people.

Good or bad?

You make the decision, but remember: you don't have to apologize for who you are. You are you; you are special. It's their loss. Be bold, be proud, be brave.

Be Good and Bad.

My Only One

The sky has lost its colour,
The sun has turned to grey.
At least that's how I feel,
Whenever you are away.

When you leave I count your steps,
When you're here I count your words.
I can never accept reality,
Whatever it takes, I'll let my mind run its laps.

The sun has light up once again,
The sky and its colour reappear.
I know the cost but I still strive,
Never will I let you disappear.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


You're not gonna promise one another that you will not disappoint one another, because at some point you will. What is important is you don't go away, you don't escape, you don't leave one another just because you were disappointed.

That's the meaning of fidelity.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bad Days and Injustice

Some days, I feel like I'm on top of the world. Things go the way I plan, things go the way I want it to go, and things go my way.
Some days, I feel like I'm crushed; jinxed.
But some days, I wake up feeling on top of the world, but in a blink of an eye, I'm crushed.
Today, I suppose, is one of those days.
Maybe I just have to face it. But that's not how I play.
Is there anything more I can do? Maybe not. But I'm going to find a way.
I'm going to end this injustice.
I'm standing up for fairness.
Who's with me?

Saturday, January 16, 2010


"I start to feel like I can't maintain the facade any longer, that I may just start to show through. And I wish I knew what was wrong. Maybe something about how tiring my whole l,ife is. I don't know. Why does the rest of the world put up with the hypocrisy, the need to put a happy face on sorrow, the need to keep on keeping on? ... I don't know the answer, I know only that I can't. I don't want any more vicissitudes, I don't want any more of this try, try again stuff. I just want out. I've had it. I am so tired. I am thirteen and I am already exhausted."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Perseverance and Personal Strength

"I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle."- Lenka

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being so hopeless and helpless, not knowing what to do? That feeling when you think the whole world has turned their back on you... Yeah, that. I'm sure you all know what I'm thinking about.
That feeling of the loss of perseverance.
Feeling like you lack personal strength.

It's a natural process of the teenage years. I can relate.

Lots of times, I have felt hopeless, all in school matters, family matters, friendship matters, and much more, but through what I have experienced, I have learn to just let go of those matters. I try to set my mind on the finish line:
"Think how good it will be once it's all over."

I would like to share with all of you what I have gained through my downs :)

One thing for sure, is that you should never give up, for that is just the time where the tide will turn. Worrying does not empty tomorrow's sorrow; it will just empty today's strength. Don't give up finding your way, but keep in mind that sometimes it takes bending to avoid breaking. Don't let temporary things scar you, making you regret your current decisions in the future. Start by doing what is necessary, then do what's possible. Soon, you will be doing the impossible. Remember: with love and patience, nothing is impossible. Just don't give up trying to do what you really wanna do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would astound ourselves. Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. with faith.

I really hope what I shared will be an influence to all you feeling helpless, 'cause I know you all got school ;)

God bless always,
TawzieTawz x.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

How To Work Better

2010, a perfect start to do a lot of NEW things :)

1. Do one thing at a time
2. Know the problem
3. Learn to listen
4. Learn to ask questions
5. Distinguish sense from nonsense
6. Accept change as inevitable
7. Admit mistakes
8. Say it simple
8. Be calm
9. SMILE :)


The things you say you'll do and the things you do say are two completely different things.
Promises are meant to be kept forever, but they are broken every single day.
There are symbols, allegories, implications, jokes, sarcasm, and truth with words.
I can't decode whether what you say is just to make me happy or simply the truth.
I can't decide whether to believe you or not, not matter how much my heart says I do.
What if I'm wrong?
I just can't seem to decode what you're saying.
And you don't know how much I wish I can.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Quote from Gossip Girl

"And right now, i am with exactly who i want to be with…my best friend. You are high school to me. All of the boyfriends and mean girls and tests and teachers and our crazy mothers… We went through it together. We raised each other. You’re my sister." -Serena

Monday, January 4, 2010

Did You Know?

Did you know when you dream about a person, that person went to sleep thinking of you?
Did you know when the person you like looks at you and then looks down, they're crazy about you?
Did you know that when a person looks at you directly in the eyes they love you more than you think?
Did you know when that person looks at you alot they can't live without you?
Did you know when they leave, they say bye too much because they don't want to let you go?

Did you know I thought about you last night?
Did you know I'm crazy about you?
Did you know I love you more than you think?
Did you know I can't live without you?
Did you know I don't want to let you go?
What about you?

A Place I'd Like to Call Home

Home is where the masks slips and fades away.
It's a place where I can be just my self.
And still know I can be okay.

Home is a place I can always return to.
No matter how long I've been gone.
A place I can be myself, and know I can be true.

Home is being able to dance around without pants on.
And still be comfortable bout it.
From daybreak till late at dawn.

You know what this has made me realize?
Home sounds like you.
Home sounds like being with you.
Home is you.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dear God

"Dear God,
The only thing I ask of you is to hold him when I'm not around,
When I'm much too far away.
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left him when I found him and now I wish I'd stayed,
'Cus I'm lonely and I'm tired, I'm missing you again.
Oh no...
Once again."

Friday, January 1, 2010

I Will Open This Post on January 1, 2011 and Say "Mission Accomplished"

I, Tara N. Calista, creator of Tawzie World, will read this on Saturday, January 1, 2011 and say "Mission accomplished" and I will mean it.

A little bit about the history of this post:
This post was inspired by a friend who introduced me to his "100 Things To Do Before I Die" list. I was then inspired to create on myself, but instead I called it "100 Things To Do Before 2011". I didn't end up reaching 100, I only reach 4, but today I am going to develop it. I won't reach 100, but I'll try my best :) So here it goes...

1. Be a pro at Photoshoping :)
2. Earn more awards!
3. Get at least a 6 on BI, keep my 6 in PE (and if possible, move to a 7!), and a 7 on all other subjects.
4. Read at least 1500 pages for Independent Reading.
5. Go on a first real date :$
6. Be atleast 47kg
7. Blog more personal things :)
8. Stop talking gibberish.
9. Talk slower
10. Be fluent in Chinese
12. No eating chips
13. No eating fried chicken from those fast food restaurants.
14. No drinking sodas
15. Solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube in less than 30 seconds
16. Take the Dance Club to dance out of SPH
17. Join a speed cubing competition
18. Learn one of Chopin's songs on the piano
20. No insulting others :)

*** Something entertaining :) ***
Celebrities' New Year Resolutions (source:

Justin Timberlake
"I'm going to underpromise myself for 2010 so if it goes well I'll be like, 'Oh my God! Such a surprise!'"

Miley Cyrus
"I need to stop talking about things I want to do, and just get out there and do it. That's been my biggest goal recently, especially while I'm on the road."

Adam Lambert
"To keep being positive and try to live in the moment and enjoy this."

Ashlee Simpson
"All my focus is on my son. Every day being a better mom and learning with him. It’s an incredible experience."

Courteney Cox
"I don't have any yet! I'll make some soon."

Kim Kardashian
"Just to spend a little bit more time with my family and my friends and to really kick it up in the workout department and to try to eat better. I cannot get it together with eating. I eat way too many Oreos."

Tara Reid
"I'm not really good with New Year's resolutions. I'm terrible with that."

Bill Murray
"To try to remember to look down on myself and realize how good I've got it."

Shanna Moakler
"I want to learn how to play the piano. I'm going to go and take lessons."

Charlie O'Connell
"My new year’s resolution will be to get my golden cross in [video game] Call of Duty."

Corbin Bleu
"January is when I start on the Broadway stage, so my resolution is to blow everyone away on that stage."

Tatyana Ali
"To be a better friend and a better sister."

Hailey Glassman
"To finally stand up for myself, not let myself be controlled and manipulated by
Jon [Gosselin]. I wish for him out of my life."

"My new year's resolution was to be a vegetarian for six months out of this year. I did three months and stopped and then I'm almost done with my second three months commitment."

Mark Indelicato
"I think that I have to be more organized and stay focused on school. I want to go to college. I take my SAT next year, but I'm so nervous. It's a year away."

Trista Sutter
"When I was younger it was always to stop biting my nails."

Irina Shabayeva
"To get organized! I feel like that’s my resolution every year — to get more focused."

Samantha Harris
"To see family that I live out of town from more and more."

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Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate