Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 and all its friends.

2009 is an influential year. A really influential one. I entered as a vulnerable girl, and I will exit as a strong one.
2009 gave me tears, gave me hugs, gave me broken friendships, and gave me new friendships.
2009 didn't turn out how I planned, how I wished it would be the best year of my life.... well, it is.
2009t gave me tears, but I learn from them. I grew. I grew more in 2009 then I have in any other year. And I appreciate that. A lot.
2009, I will miss you for sure. You are awesome, and you should know it :)
2009 will die in 7 minutes, it will live in my heart forever.
2009: I found my true friends. I found the loyal guy. I found favor. I found all my mistakes and tried my best to fix them.
2009 made me realize the girl I really am. I changed. I didn't change to fit what people like, I change to embrace who I really am.
2009 made me realize that I don't care if there are people out there who still can't accept me for me, because guess what? I accept myself just fine. HA.
Through the things I have experienced in 2009, I will let 2010 be whatever it will be. Let it be the awesome year I know it will be.
Yesterday, I still say 2009 was the worst year in my life cus of all the tears I shed. Today, I say it'sthe best cus of all my growing up.
I have always and will always find favor in 2009.
I will not expect anything of 2010. I will leave it with its own potential. Its own potential to be an awesome year.
The voice in my heart is belting out old, precious memories of 2009. I will miss you.
2oo9, I love you.
That's how powerful 2009 is.
Happy End Year 2009, everyone :)
Love always,

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