Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Goodnight, Sweet Dreams

Girl: Babe I don't think I can sleep.

Boy: Why baby?

Girl: I don't know. I need your boring voice to put me to sleep. Can you tell me a story? Hehehe

Boy: Hahah, you're lucky that you're cute. How about I read you Dear John.

Girl: Sounds perfect.

- Boy reads Dear John -

- 15 minutes later -

Girl: *Snores*

Boy: Babe?

Girl: *Snores*

Boy: Hahah, you always knock out within 15 minutes. Your snores are cute. Babe, I really love you. I really do. Sometimes I might show that I don't give a fuck. But I do. I never want to lose you. I know it's cheesy, but this is how I feel. This is REAL. I know I'm not the best thing out there, but I'm trying to be one of your best ever. Thank you babe, thank you for choosing a messed up guy like me to be your boyfriend. Thank you for being mine. I honestly can't see myself with anyone but you babe. I know I say I love you too many times, but each time I say it, my feelings grow more & more for you. Thanks for listening babe. I'll still be on the phone if you need anything. Goodnight babe & sweet dreams. I won't let the bed bugs bite you.

AWW :)

Why Hello.

Hey bloggies :)
Sorry for the lack of updates and posts. I have been VERY busy lately doing a lot of blog-worthy compositions for an english project. Yep, I've been creating a ME BOOK ! :D If you're wondering what it is, it's a book all about ME :)
To make up for the lack of posts, I'm going to give ya'll a preview of my me book heree :)
I'll also be posting new music! :D
Also, since I've been neglecting this blog to write for my Me Book, that means I have a TON of posts to post here soon, so keep an eye out!

Want a peek at my Me Book?



... Keep an eye out, more pages to come! :D

Friday, May 7, 2010

Awake with a Smile

Awake with a smile, I will never learn to say goodbye. A goodnight is all I can say, hope it gives you joy :)

Lying in my bed wide awake, I took time to think things through.
These past few weeks have been a whirlwind, way more than a roller coaster ride.
Consumed. Depleted. Evacuated.
I feel so lost in this sea of madness.
I begin to feel that days grow longer as nights grow shorter- what a pity.
I love night time, gazing up upon the starry night sky with hopes that you are seeing the exact same phenomenontical beauty I am perceiving.
Tonight, as I tucked my restless head, killed by insomnia, to sleep, I wonder where you are right now. What you're doing and what you're thinking about seems to mean so much to me. I want to know everything about you. Do you like stars, just like me?
After ages of studying, I just have not learnt one thing. Maybe it's because lecturers trust we have the base knowledge on this, or maybe because nobody thoroughly knows how. What is it, you ask?
Saying goodbye. Why is it that we learn about everything but that? Considering it's such a hassle with people, I'm not sure why. I take it as no one really knows how to.
As I speak, I say I don't know how to either. Only a simple goodnight I can say, believing that everything will be okay in the end. Yes, I say believing, since I know I don't always get my happy ending, but there's no harm in having faith, is there?
So I speak, goodnight.
Everything's gonna be okay.
As I try to doubt myself, I stop the urge.
Goodnight stars, goodnight moon, goodnight prince charming, wherever you are.

Sweet dreams :)