Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Flying High

Do birds have high hopes?
I guess not.
Do birds have high dreams?
I think not.
But why do they get a chance to soar high up in the sky and reach the heavens?

It's such a metaphorical thing; birds and all...
Why do us humans, who have dreams that reach the heavens, stay down here?
Hitherto, birds can soar high up in the sky...

Is it trying to tell us something?
Maybe so.

The things we get in life can gain us pride, which sometimes makes us think high of ourselves when we're no different than others around us.
Our minds soar high in the sky, but we're still here because it teaches us to be down to earth, no matter what situation we are in.
No matter how high we can soar, we still have to be down to earth.

But what about birds?

Maybe it's trying to tell us that soaring high in life doesn't come easy.
When a bird first tries to fly, they fail.
and again.
and again.
But out of the immense amount of failure they went through, they are able to fly high in the sky.

How does it relate to me?
In life, things will not come easy.
Sometimes, you have to fail over and over before achieving the best.
But however high you fly,
Remember that down to earth person you used to be...
and keep that.

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