Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Forgiveness; Bitterness; Hatred.

Forgiveness is never easy. Bitterness is easy, hatred is easy. But forgiveness, that is a tough one. Sometimes people say things they don’t mean or do things they can’t take back. Sometimes we do things we can’t take back. We’re all afraid of something.

Why is it so hard to forgive someone who has rejected us?
The answer's easy.
When you look at this world, think of all the people who has rejected Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, the one who payed our debts in this world just so death wouldn't mark the end of us. When you think about Him, remember the times He has been rejected. Then remember WHY He was rejected.
He was rejected because He loved us.
He was rejected because He tried to give the best for us.
He was rejected because He wanted to save us.
He was rejected because He claimed to be who He really is.
Come to think about it, if you are rejected because of those things, your heart will be so filled with hatred and bitterness that you have no room left to squeeze forgiveness in.
Yet Jesus Christ is different.
He did not hate this bitter world when He was rejected.
Instead, He forgave each and everyone of us by sacrificing His life.
That's the biggest form of forgiveness I will ever know of in my life. And it's just so wonderful to know that His blood has covered all sins and all wounds that are to be healed.
Forgiveness can only be accepted when one's heart is sure they are healed and is ready to move on and let go, yet that is not necessary anymore since the blood of Jesus Christ has covered everything.
We are able to forgive those who rejected us because He was able to forgive us first.
And that's wonderful.

Today is a remembrance of Christ Jesus' wonderful act of forgiveness.
Happy Easter everyone :)

Eternal Flame

A boy gave a challenge to his girlfriend to live a day without him. No communications at all and he said that if she passed it, he’ll love her forever. The girl agreed. She didn’t text or call him the whole day, without knowing that her boyfriend had only 24 hours to live because he’s suffering from cancer. She excitedly went to her boyfriend’s house the next day. Tears fell as she saw her boyfriend lying on the coffin with a note on the side saying, "You did it, baby. Now, can you do it everyday? I love you."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

People In Our Lives

"People in our lives teach us different lessons about life. They come in categories. There are conditioners, pass-through, anchors, and the distracters. There are some people in our lives that pass through. They are there for a season of time, and then they are gone. They are not meant to stay in our lives forever. Their purpose is to get us through the next season of life."
-Angela Diggs

Friday, March 26, 2010

Earth Wonders

"We live in a world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There's no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open."
- Jawahahral Nehru

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'll look at the stars tonight
and remember that you're looking at
the exact same stars I'm looking at.
Did you see them spell out your name?

As I lay my restless head on my pillow tonight,
I'll keep in mind that you're doing the exact same thing.
As I close my sleepy eyes,
I'll hope I will dream about you.

Even if we're miles apart,
Nothing can ever separate us deep inside.
For what ever will be, will be...
And so we'll be :)

Flying High

Do birds have high hopes?
I guess not.
Do birds have high dreams?
I think not.
But why do they get a chance to soar high up in the sky and reach the heavens?

It's such a metaphorical thing; birds and all...
Why do us humans, who have dreams that reach the heavens, stay down here?
Hitherto, birds can soar high up in the sky...

Is it trying to tell us something?
Maybe so.

The things we get in life can gain us pride, which sometimes makes us think high of ourselves when we're no different than others around us.
Our minds soar high in the sky, but we're still here because it teaches us to be down to earth, no matter what situation we are in.
No matter how high we can soar, we still have to be down to earth.

But what about birds?

Maybe it's trying to tell us that soaring high in life doesn't come easy.
When a bird first tries to fly, they fail.
and again.
and again.
But out of the immense amount of failure they went through, they are able to fly high in the sky.

How does it relate to me?
In life, things will not come easy.
Sometimes, you have to fail over and over before achieving the best.
But however high you fly,
Remember that down to earth person you used to be...
and keep that.

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's a Small World After All

People always say "What a small world." but have you ever wondered why can't we find the one we're looking for?

Am I looking hard enough?
Or am I looking hardly enough?

Maybe I will never know, but I know it will be proven some day... in the future.
Right now, I'll just be happy living in my small world.
Maybe there's a reason why we see those we aren't seeking for.
Maybe we're not finding the one we're looking for because it's not your eyes that finds them, but it is your heart.
It's time to stop looking with your eyes and start opening up your heart to the world around.
Maybe then you can find the one you've been looking for.
After all, it is a small world.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Family Matters

Once upon a time, when I had nothing to lose, I had everythng.
Then, I stopped being who I am and so I found myself
When I found myself, I learnt a valuabe lesson..
There comes a time in life where you have to
let go of all the pointless drama and the
people who create it and surround
yourself with people who make
you laugh so hard that you
forget the bad and focus
solely on the good,
because soon, all
these moments
will be lost in
time, like
tears in
the rain.

And so now I know that
family matters.