Friday, October 23, 2009

Proverbs 3:5-6

This is an original poem created by me. I based the idea of this poem on Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, "Trust in the LORD in all your ways, lean not on your own understanding. In all you ways, acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight."

It was an eerie and cold mystic winter day,
A time when I had nothing to do or say,
I sat quietly, mourning along by the window,
Watching raindrops fall, wishing it was snow.

So softly and gently it falls in the driveway,
Leaving blotches all over that will not go away,
The fall of the rain are like bullies in school:
A mark is left on those innocent caused by the cruel.

I opened he window only to find a gentel breeze,
Too bad it was nothing that I could ever sieze,
So gentle and light it felt on my skin,
It brought me back to last Christmas I spent with my kin.

Mother said one thing I will never forget,
What she said was surely nothing to regret,
She said her wind was me as a baby,
A soft and gentle being filled with joy and glee.

I could see branches swaying accordingly,
To the rhythm of the wind they sway willingly,
It was a sight showing the wonders of nature,
I will never get tired of this wonderful picture.

In the distant I can make out a pretty sight just northeast,
A rainbow had form after the rain decreased,
The rainbow was beautiful, just like an image,
Within it stands wonders of all but scrimmage.

From the changing of the skies and the bat's yell,
Nightfall was coming soon I could tell,
From sunset to pitch black,
Knowing the transisting time was quite a knack.

Sun beginning to fade as moon appeared,
The end of the day was something to be premiered,
Night is the end credits to a beautiful movie,
The movie of our lifetimes documented for me to see.

As I concluded my night, still sitting on the still,
I realized how lucky I am, able to live to fulfill,
I reflected back on the dreads of the day,
Only to find those are life lessons we can take away.

Life is not a game, nor it is a joke,
All things are possible if you do not provoke,
Believe in Him, the one true God,
Only Him has the power to will is to be proud.

The things we do in life are not for our sake,
They are for the glory of our Lord, our wake,
Each day is a gift for us from Him,
It should not be taken for granted just as it seems.

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