Monday, September 7, 2009

You= Friend ♥♥♥

When I ask you for a flower,
You give me a bouquet.
When I ask you for a stone,
You give me a statue.
When I ask you for a feather,
You give me a peacock.
When I ask you for comfort,
You give me your arms and hug me tightly.

Sometimes, I forget to say hi,
Sometimes, I even miss to reply,
Sometimes, my message doesn't reach you,
But, it doesn't mean that I forget you,
I'm just giving you time to miss me =D

A friend is like a computer.
I 'enter' you in my life,
I 'save' you in my heart,
I 'format' your problems,
I 'shift' you to opportunities,
and never 'delete' you from my memories.

Don't ever walk in front of me- I may not follow.
Don't ever walk behind me- I may not lead.
Walk next to me and be my friend.

The best of friends can change a frown,
Into a smile when you feel down.
The best of friends will understand,
Your little trials and lend a hand.
The best of friends will always share,
Your secret dreams because they care.
The best of friends worth more than gold,
Give all the love a heart can hold.

Tawzie Tawz Taz ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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