Friday, September 18, 2009

Wake Me Up When September Ends <3

Thursday, September 17, 2009, 8:18PM:

Tara Nc Sudarpo ; wake me up when september ends ♥
Thu at 8:18pm · Comment · / ·

Liz Terry likes this.

Saturday, September 19, 2009, 8:02PM:
Tara Nc Sudarpo ; ugh y didja wake me up @ september 19, 7am? september hasn't end yet... :S
7 minutes ago · Comment ·

Thanks a lot, Tris.

You're not welcome :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Finally + Tumblr Post #1

Hola people!!
I FINALLY made Tumblr! Hahaha,
It's just like Blogspot! >_<
Go check it out at...
I'm trying to get my own domain for it!! (YAY =] )

Anyways, here's my 1st post on Tumblr :)


Holaaa!This is just guna be a short greeting from muaaaa!… in EIGHT different languages, lol ^_^

TURKISH:Abe herkes!!BEN sonunda Tumblr! Hahaha,Blogspot kullanarak için bir hayli ise, şimdi istiyorum bulmuşlardı Tumblr!Anyways, GELIRIM yeniden - postalayan benim bütün Blogspot direklerini benim Tumblr çok!!!Gözlenmesinin için benim yaklaşmakta olan direklerini!Bu sadece kısa selamın, Nene için başka evet … Şu an için … Hehehe xP
Ta - ta,taraa

ENGLISH:Hey everyone!!I finally made Tumblr! Hahaha,I have been using Blogspot for quite a while now, and I want to try out Tumblr!Anyways, I’ll be re-posting all my Blogspot posts on my Tumblr too!!!Keep an eye out for my upcoming posts!This is just a short greeting,Don’t know what else to say… for now… hehehe xP
Ta-ta for now,taraa

SPANISH:¡Oye todos!! ¡Yo por último hice Tumblr! ¡Hahaha, yo he estado utilizando Blogspot para bastante un rato ahora, y yo quiero probar Tumblr! ¡De todos modos, yo acerca de-anunciará todos mis postes de Blogspot en mi Tumblr también!!! ¡Esté pendiente de mis postes próximos! Esto es justo un saludo corto, no sabe lo que decir más…para ahora… hehehe XP
Ta-ta para ahora, taraa

ITALIAN:Ehi tutti!! Ho fatto finalmente Tumblr! L’Hahaha, ho usato Blogspot per abbastanza un mentre ora, e voglio provare Tumblr! In ogni modo, sarò invia di nuovo tutto i pali di Blogspot sul mio Tumblr anche!!! Tenere fuori un occhio per i miei pali imminenti! Questo è appena un saluto breve, non sa ciò che altro dire… per ora… loxP di hehehe
Il Ta-ta per ora, il taraa

SWEDISH:Hey alla!! Jag gjorde slutligen Tumblr! Hahaha, jag har använt Blogspot på ett bra tag nu, och jag vill försöka ut Tumblr! Anyways, jag ska vara angående-postande all min Blogspot poster på min Tumblr också!!! Håll ett öga ut för mina kommande poster! Det är nyligen en kort hälsa, vet inte som annars att säga… under tiden…hehehe xP
Ta-ta under tiden, taraa

JAPANESE:ヘイ皆!!私は最後にTumblrを作りました! Hahaha、私は今すごいしばらくの間のためにBlogspotを使っていて、Tumblrを試したいです!ともかく、私は同様に再び全てのBlogspotポスト〔郵便〕をTumblrに掲示します!!!私の来るべきポスト〔郵便〕のために目を締め出してください!これが単なる短いあいさつで、taraaの今の言うべきこと…今のhehehe xPバイバイ…の他の何か知らないでください

KOREAN:everyone!!!나는 마침내 tumblr! hahaha, 저는사용되는 blogspot 반면에 지금은, 도전하고 싶어 tumblr!아무튼, 나는 곧 다시 게시 blogspot 내 모든 기둥에 내 tumblr too!!!눈이 빠지는 내 새로운 기둥!이것은 단지 짧은 인사,어떻게 해야 할지 모르겠 할 말은… 지금은… hehehe XP
ta- Ta 지금taraa

FRENCH:Hé tout le monde ! ! J’ai fait enfin Tumblr ! Hahaha, j’ai utilisé Blogspot pour assez longtemps maintenant, et je veux essayer Tumblr ! De toute façon, je serai re-postant de toutes mes postes de Blogspot sur mon Tumblr aussi ! ! ! Empêcher d’entrer un oeil pour mes postes suivantes ! Ceci est juste une salutation courte, ne Passavoir ce que d’autre pour dire… pour le moment… hehehe xP
Ta-ta pour le moment, taraa

Friday, September 11, 2009


Thousands of people worldwide experience the 11:11 Phenomenon. Thousands of people might seem like a large group of people, but in ratio to the world's population of 7 BILLION, a few thousand is not that much, especially when these thousands of people are seperated worldwide.
I have always been triggered by 11:11. It has often popped up to me, especially on digital clocks. I have always thought that it was just a coincidence, but today, I found out it's not a coincidence- and that I am not alone.

To start off, here are some observations regarding the number 11:
- 11 August 1999 at 11:11 am there was a total solar eclipse.
- 21 December 2012 at 11:11 am the Mayan calendar ends.
- In the astrological sense with the precision of equinoxes & the 26,000 years cycle of Earth wobbling through the 12 signs of zodiac we are moving in to the new age of Aquarius and Aquarius is the 11th astrological sign.
- Returning to pyramid numerology and the significance of the number 11:
1234321 = 11:11 x 11:11
121 countries = 11:11
11 fatalities
- In binary 11 stands for 3, which is the trinity.
11 x 3= 33. 33 is the number of 33rd degree mason.
- The first plane that hit the world trade centre was flight 11.
- Total number of crew on flight 11 was 11.
- New York State is the 11th state of the US constitution.
- September 11, 2001 is 11 years from 2012.
- The world trade centre commenced building in 1966 and finished in 1977. It took 11 years to build.
On September 11, 1990 at 9:09 pm (11 years prior to September 11, 2001) Bush Sr. made the very first speech entitled “towards the New World Order” at the UN.
- Going back 60 years in time, on 11 September 1941 soil was broken to lay the foundation of Pentagon.
- The American NASA project to the moon was Apollo 11.
- On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, Remembrance Day is celebrated in Britain.
- The word crown was derived from Anglo French word caroon, which is derived from the Latin caroona. The year the word crown was first established was 1111 AD.
- The 1972 Munich Olympics provided the first world stage for global terrorism and the inclusion of the significant number '11' was anything but a coincidence.
- 11 Israelis were killed by Black September (the 9th month 9/11), a group with ties to Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization.
- The Olympics were host to 121 countries.
- 121 divided by 11 gives 11.

I was triggered to find my own observation regarding 11. Here are some of my observations:
(a): 11=3, in binary arithmetic. 3 is the cornerstone of the trinity and also Hinduism.
(b): 1 male + 1 female are needed to produce 1 child. Ergo, 1 + 1 = 3, in reproduction.
- I came accross the 11:11 Phenomenon article when researching about 12/21/12.
- I was led to the official website of this so-called "doomsday".
- Then, on the 122112 website, I found the article on the 11:11 Phenomenon.
- Hergo, I came accross 11:11 when I was researching about the Mayan's revelation on doomsday.
- I was triggered to search the Christian revelation of doomsday, so I opened the Bible to Revelaions 11:11. It read:
"But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them."
- In binary arithmetic, the number 3 is equal to 11. Hergo the number 11 again.

Go to for more.
It's amazing- seriously.

Monday, September 7, 2009

You= Friend ♥♥♥

When I ask you for a flower,
You give me a bouquet.
When I ask you for a stone,
You give me a statue.
When I ask you for a feather,
You give me a peacock.
When I ask you for comfort,
You give me your arms and hug me tightly.

Sometimes, I forget to say hi,
Sometimes, I even miss to reply,
Sometimes, my message doesn't reach you,
But, it doesn't mean that I forget you,
I'm just giving you time to miss me =D

A friend is like a computer.
I 'enter' you in my life,
I 'save' you in my heart,
I 'format' your problems,
I 'shift' you to opportunities,
and never 'delete' you from my memories.

Don't ever walk in front of me- I may not follow.
Don't ever walk behind me- I may not lead.
Walk next to me and be my friend.

The best of friends can change a frown,
Into a smile when you feel down.
The best of friends will understand,
Your little trials and lend a hand.
The best of friends will always share,
Your secret dreams because they care.
The best of friends worth more than gold,
Give all the love a heart can hold.

Tawzie Tawz Taz ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sunday, September 6, 2009

[Censored Person]

Hey, [Censored Person]
Haven't talked to you in a while.
It took me this long to realize I've lost what I took for granted.
But now it has changed. We have changed.
I just want to share something quick with you. I hope you like it.

"Between our texts,
Our fights,
Our disagreements,
Our harsh words,
I found hatred in you.

Now, 3 months have passed.
Not a single text.
Not a single fight.
Not a single disagreement.
Not a single harsh word.

Then one night,You said Hi.
I fell for that.
I fell for you.

Between our texts,
Our fights,
Our disagreements,
Our hars words,
I found love in you."
Love always,
Tawzie Tawz Taz <33

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What If, Guilty Pleasure, Ashley Tisdale

Don't speak,
I can't believe this is here happening,
Our situation isn't right
Get real who your playing with,
I never thought he'd be like this
You were supposed to be there by my side
When you say that you want me,
I just don't believe it
Your always ready to give up and never turn around
But what if I need you baby
Would you even try to save me
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true
What if I said I love you Would you be the one to run to
Or would you watch me walk away without a fight
So sick of worrying, that ya gonna quit over anything
I could trip and you would let go like that
And everything that we ever were
Seems to fade but not the hurt
Cause you don't know the good things from the bad
When I say that I want you
You know that I mean it
And in my hour of weakness
There's still time to try
But what if I need you baby
Would you even try to save me
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true
What if I said I love you
Would you be the one to run to
Or would you watch me walk away without a fight
Every time I speak you try and stop me
Cause every little thing I say is wrong
You say your noticing but you never see
this is who I really am that you can't leave
Makes me wanna know right now
If it's me you'll leave without
Or would you change your mind
But what if I need you
But what if I need you baby
Would you even try to save me
Or would you find some lame excuse to never be true
What if I said I love you
Would you be the one to run to
Or would you watch me walk away without a...
Baby what if I need you
Yeah, yeah
What if I need you, what if I you
Ooh, ooh, if I need you
What if I need you
Need you, you, you

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Left, Right, or DOWN ?!?!

Try this =] :

1. Tap me once on my right shoulder.
2. Tap me once on my left shoulder.
3. Tap me on either shoulder twice.

What do you think my reaction will be????

Probably, this is what most of you will guess:
1. I turn right.
2. I turn left.
3. I turn depending on the shoulder tapped.


My results (tester by Hannah):
1. I turn left.
2. I turn left.
3. I look..................................................................................... DOWN!

LOL ^__^,
tee hee >_< :::
Tawzie Tawz Taz :* mwaaahh